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When Should You Start Revising for GCSEs?

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

GCSE’s is an important step for UK students and requires being informed about all the important elements. The age for GCSE students usually varies from 14-16 but they are all equally nervous about successfully passing the exam, so there is no need to say that starting early is a crucial part of revising for GCSEs. It can mean the difference between achieving the grades you want and falling short. With so much riding on these exams, it’s important to take revision seriously and start as early as possible. ๐Ÿ““

Table of Contents:

When Should You Start Revising for GCSEs?

Teachers and students who already done their GCSEs recommend students start preparing six months before the exams. Well, it’s best to begin revision by the time of mock exams, using these as chances to identify and work on your strengths and weaknesses.

when do GCSE exams start? – GCSE 2024 are scheduled to begin in May, so students should have already begun their preparation by now.

Some students even begin their revision in Year 10 as a proactive measure. However, do not feel overwhelmed! It’s never too late to start. ๐Ÿ’ช

Starting revision early is one of the most effective ways to prepare for GCSEs. There are several reasons why starting early is beneficial:

“Starting early allows you to spread out your revision over a longer period of time. This means you can cover more material, and have more time to really solidify your understanding of the subjects. By starting early, you can also space out your revision, which has been shown to be more effective than cramming all of it into a short period of time.”

Starting early allows you to spread out your revision over a longer period of time. This means you can cover more material, and have more time to really solidify your understanding of the subjects. By starting early, you can also space out your revision, which has been shown to be more effective than cramming all of it into a short period of time.

โœ… Starting early gives you a better chance to identify and address any weaknesses you may have in a particular subject. By starting your revision early, you’ll have more time to seek help from teachers or tutors and to work on areas that you find more challenging.

โœ… When you start early, you can also avoid last-minute stress and anxiety. GCSEs are already a stressful period for many students, but if you start early, you’ll be less likely to feel overwhelmed.

โœ… Studies have shown that students who start revision early, perform better than those who don’t. The reason is, they have more time to understand the material and they are not as stressed and anxious before their exams.

It’s never too early to start thinking about revision, and the earlier you begin, the more time you’ll have to make sure you’re as prepared as possible for your GCSEs.

Developing a Revision Plan to Avoid Procrastination

Once you’ve committed to starting your revision early, the next step is to develop a plan for how you’re going to accomplish that. Here are a few tips for developing an effective revision plan:

๐Ÿ“Œ Set a goal

Decide what you want to achieve and make sure it’s a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goal. For example, “I want to achieve an A* in Maths by the end of the term”.

๐Ÿ“Œ Create a schedule

Make a list of all the subjects you need to revise and estimate how much time you’ll need to spend on each one. Take into account the amount of time you have available, and factor in breaks and other commitments you may have. Try to find a balance between covering all the material you need to and not overloading yourself.

๐Ÿ“Œ Be realistic

Don’t set goals that are too ambitious or try to cram too much into a single day, this can lead to burnout. Instead, break your revision down into manageable chunks and tackle one topic at a time.

๐Ÿ“Œ Prioritise your subjects

Not all subjects are created equal, so prioritise the ones that are the most important or the ones you are struggling the most with.

๐Ÿ“Œ Be flexible

Remember that things change and so should your plan, if you are feeling overwhelmed, or falling behind adjust your schedule and goals accordingly.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a revision plan that’s tailored to your needs and goals. Remember to stick to the plan, as much as possible, and to make adjustments as needed to ensure that you’re making the most of the time you have available to you. ๐Ÿ“…

Active Revision Techniques to Boost the Process

Active revision techniques are those that involve actively engaging with the material rather than just passively reading it. Some examples of active revision techniques include:

๐Ÿ“Œ Flashcards

These are an effective way to memorise key facts, dates or formulas. Create flashcards with a question or key point on one side and the answer on the other, you can use physical flashcards or digital flashcard apps.

๐Ÿ“Œ Teaching others

Explain the material to someone else, whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a pet ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ•, you’ll deepen your understanding of the material when you have to explain it to someone else.

๐Ÿ“Œ Spaced repetition

This technique involves revisiting material at increasingly longer intervals. By revisiting the material at regular intervals, you’ll keep it fresh in your mind and reduce the need for last-minute cramming.

๐Ÿ“Œ Self-quizzing

Test yourself on the material by creating a quiz or a list of questions. This can be done by yourself or through various online platforms, this way you’ll be able to identify areas where you need more practice or further understanding.

Check out some more revision techniques here.

Balancing Revision with Other Responsibilities

While starting early and developing an effective revision plan is important, it’s also important to remember that you’re still a student and you’ll need to balance your revision with other responsibilities such as schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and socialising. Here are a few tips for balancing revision with other responsibilities:

๐Ÿ“Œ Make a schedule

By creating a schedule that includes time for revision, schoolwork AND extracurricular activities and socialising. This way, you will be able to ensure that you’re making the most of your time and that you’re not neglecting any important areas of your life.

TimeMonday ActivityRevision Techniques
6:30 – 7:00Morning Routine (shower, dress)
7:00 – 8:00Breakfast and Prep for School
8:00 – 9:00Travel to School
9:00 – 10:30School (Maths and English classes)Practice problems, Read and summarise notes
10:30 – 11:00Morning Break
11:00 – 12:00School (Science class)Conduct experiments, Watch educational videos
12:00 – 13:00Lunch Break at School
13:00 – 14:00School (History class)Create timelines, Discuss with peers
14:00 – 15:00School (PE or Art class)
15:00 – 16:00Extracurricular Activity (e.g., Music)
16:00 – 17:00Travel Home
17:00 – 18:00Snack and Relax
18:00 – 19:00Homework (Assignments)
19:00 – 20:00Revision: MathsSolve past papers, Review formulas
20:00 – 21:00Dinner with Family
21:00 – 22:00Relaxation/Free Time

๐Ÿ“Œ Prioritise

Make sure you’re spending time on the most important tasks first. If you have an exam coming up, for example, it’s more important to focus on revision than going to a social event. However, don’t forget to enjoy life as well! ๐ŸŽ‰

๐Ÿ“Œ Learn to say no

Sometimes, you’ll need to decline invitations to social events or extracurricular activities in order to focus on your studies. This can be difficult ๐Ÿ˜”, but it’s important to remember that you’re working towards a goal and that you’ll be able to socialise more once your exams are over.

๐Ÿ“Œ Take care of yourself

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. Self-care is not a frivolous activity! It’s actually more efficient to take the time to rest and rejuvenate ๐Ÿ’ค. Then you can come back to your studies with renewed energy and focus!

๐Ÿ“Œ Get help, it’s okay!

If you’re finding it difficult to balance everything, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your teachers, parents or a counsellor. They can provide support and guidance to help you manage your workload.


In conclusion, starting revision early and developing an effective revision plan are crucial steps in preparing for GCSEs. By starting early, you’ll have more time to cover all the material you need to and to identify and address any weaknesses you may have.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Check out different revision techniques and see what works for you. One might be perfect for the majority but also, might not work for you. This is why starting early is key ๐Ÿ”‘. You’ll have plenty of time to try out different things and if something does not go according to plan, you would be able to change it up!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a revision or if you need help with revision techniques, exam strategies or time management, check out Edumentors GCSE tutors. They can help students prepare for their exams in a structured and effective manner. With expert tutors, personalised study plans, and an engaging curriculum, these tutors can help you achieve your full potential and acing your GCSEs! ๐ŸŒŸ


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