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Top IGCSE English Language Tutors

Boost your IGCSE English skills with personalised tutoring. Expert tutors focus on language proficiency and exam preparation for success

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Summer W.
yellow star 5.0
Oxford - English student

Hi, my name is Summer and I am second year undergraduate student at the University of Warwick (Physics, BSc). I have always loved studying Physics and Maths and have over 3 years experience as a Maths tutor, both in secondary school and privately at GCSE level.

£23.00 Per sess.
45+ Lessons
20 review
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Sharon G.
yellow star 5.0
Oxford - English student

Hello! My name is Sharon and I am a Romanian student in my second year of the LL.B. Politics, Philosophy and Law at King's College London. I am very excited to be one of the tutors at Edumentor and I look forward to meeting you! I am a real people person, and somebody who is eager to learn from those around me. I consider myself to be a good listener and I am ready to adapt my teaching style to any of the needs you might have. I hope you are just as enthusiastic as I am about our journey at Edumentors!

£10.00 Per sess.
45+ Lessons
20 review
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Top Tutors From UK At Edumentors

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Find the Best IGCSE English Language tutors in UK

Want to see top grades in IGCSE English Language? Our team of expert tutors from top UK universities works relentlessly to ensure you succeed at school. Personalized learning plans, full coverage of the curriculum, flexible scheduling, and all help on your way to excellence in studies. Be it reading comprehension, writing, or exam techniques, we are at hand to help you with the same. Join us today and notice a difference that professional tutoring brings board in your academic journey.

English Language in The UK

The teaching and learning of the English Language hold significant importance in the UK’s education system. English is a core subject in both primary and secondary education, with a strong emphasis on literacy skills, grammar, and literature. Key educational stages include:

  • Primary Education - Focuses on developing basic reading, writing, and speaking skills.
  • Secondary Education - Involves more advanced studies of English literature and language, including the study of classic and contemporary texts.
  • Further Education - Includes A-levels in English Language and English Literature, preparing students for higher education and professional careers.

The English language, with its rich history and global influence, has long been a cornerstone of cultural and educational development in the United Kingdom. As the birthplace of English, the UK has seen the evolution of the language from Old English to the modern form we know today. This article explores various aspects of the English language in the UK, including its history, regional dialects, educational importance, and its role in contemporary society.

IGCSE English Language Curriculum

The IGCSE English Language course is designed to develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills of learners. It is targeted to set students up for further academic study in the subject and practical communication in English-speaking environments. The curriculum then adjusts itself regarding it to students who have had English either as their first or additional language. It initiates an overview of the major components that make up the IGCSE English Language curriculum, presented here:


  • Objectives - Develop skills in understanding and interpreting texts, identifying key themes and ideas, and analysing the use of language and structure.
  • Content - Students are exposed to a variety of texts, including fiction and non-fiction, contemporary and historical texts, and works from different cultures.
  • Skills Assessed - Comprehension, inference, summarisation, and analysis of writers' techniques and purposes.


  • Objectives - Enhance students' ability to write clearly, accurately, and effectively for different purposes and audiences.
  • Content - Students practise various forms of writing, such as narrative, descriptive, argumentative, and discursive essays. They also learn to write letters, reports, articles, and other practical formats.
  • Skills Assessed - Coherence and cohesion, use of appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and the ability to engage and persuade readers.

Speaking and Listening:

  • Objectives - Improve spoken English skills, including the ability to communicate ideas effectively, engage in discussions, and listen and respond to others.
  • Content - Students participate in individual presentations, group discussions, and listening exercises. They are encouraged to articulate their thoughts clearly and interact effectively with others.
  • Skills Assessed - Fluency, pronunciation, interactive communication, and the ability to listen and respond appropriately.

IGCSE English Language Assessment

The IGCSE English Language assessment typically includes a combination of written examinations, coursework, and oral tests. The exact format may vary depending on the examination board, but common components include:

Written Examination:

  • Paper 1 (Reading and Writing) - Tests comprehension and writing skills through various tasks, such as reading passages and responding to questions, writing essays, and summarising texts.
  • Paper 2 (Extended Writing) - Focuses on more extended writing tasks, assessing students' ability to develop and organise ideas effectively.


  • Assignments - May include essays, creative writing pieces, and practical writing tasks completed over the course of the study period.
  • Teacher Assessment - Involves continuous assessment of students' progress and performance in written tasks.

Oral Examination:

  • Speaking Test - Evaluates students' ability to present ideas, engage in discussions, and respond to spoken prompts.
  • Listening Test - Assesses students' ability to understand and interpret spoken English in various contexts.

Essential Skills Acquired

The IGCSE English Language curriculum is designed to equip students with a range of skills that are valuable for academic and real-world contexts:

  • Analytical Skills - Ability to critically analyse texts, identify key points, and understand authors' intentions.
  • Communication Skills - Proficiency in expressing ideas clearly and persuasively in both written and spoken forms.
  • Creative Thinking - Encouragement of creativity in writing and problem-solving.
  • Cultural Awareness - Exposure to diverse texts helps students develop a broader understanding of different cultures and perspectives.
  • Practical Language Use - Emphasis on practical communication skills for everyday situations and professional environments.