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Juggling Part-Time Work and A-levels

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

Many students find themselves taking on part-time work alongside their A-level studies. It’s a practical way to earn some money or gain work experience. However, balancing the two can be challenging, and without the right strategies, your grades can take a hit. This blog will provide tips and advice to manage both effectively, ensuring your academic performance remains strong while you benefit from part-time work.

Setting Clear Priorities Before Starting a Part-Time Job

Understanding the Importance of A-levels:

  1. Long-term Benefits of Good Grades
    • Your A-level grades are a stepping stone towards higher education or securing a good apprenticeship. Achieving strong grades opens doors to reputable universities and better job opportunities in the future. It’s crucial to remember the long-term impact while managing your immediate responsibilities.
  2. Setting Academic Goals
    • Establish clear academic objectives. Knowing what grades you aim to achieve in each subject will help keep your focus sharp. It’s easier to allocate your time and effort when you have specific targets in mind.

Assessing the Need for Part-Time Work:

  1. Financial Necessity versus Extra Pocket Money
    • Evaluate your need for part-time work. Is it a financial necessity, or are you looking to earn extra spending money? Understanding your needs will help you decide how many hours you can afford to work without compromising your studies.
  2. Gaining Work Experience
    • If your part-time work aligns with your career aspirations, it can provide valuable experience. However, it’s essential to ensure that the time spent working doesn’t overshadow the time needed for studying. Finding a balance between gaining work experience and focusing on your A-levels is key to managing both effectively.

How to Manage Time Efficiently?

Crafting a Realistic Timetable

  1. Allocating Time
  2. Prioritising Tasks
    • List your tasks based on priority using tools like Todoist or Trello. Break down larger tasks into manageable chunks, and tackle the most critical ones first.

Establishing a Consistent Routine

  1. Routine Building
    • Stick to a routine by having a fixed wake-up time, study hours, and work hours. Use alarms to remind you of your schedule.
  2. Review and Adjust
    • At the end of each week, review your routine. See what worked and what didn’t, and make necessary adjustments for the following week.
Teenager Working

Take Breaks! – Rest Now to Avoid Burnout Later

  1. Short Breaks:
    • Incorporate short breaks to rejuvenate. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus during study and work periods.
  2. Active Breaks:
    • Make your breaks active by stretching, walking, or doing a quick workout. It helps in re-energising and maintains productivity.

Eliminate Distractions

  1. Digital Detox
    • Keep your phone away or on silent during study and work hours to avoid distractions. Use apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey to block distracting websites on your laptop.
  2. Creating a Dedicated Work Space
    • Create a clutter-free work and study space to maintain focus. Keep all necessary supplies within reach to minimise disruptions.

Adopting Efficient Study Techniques

Embracing Active Learning Strategies

  1. Interactive Learning
    • Utilise platforms like Quizlet or Kahoot to create flashcards or join study quizzes. These interactive tools can make learning more engaging and effective.
  2. Study Groups
    • Form or join study groups. Discussing and explaining complex topics with peers can reinforce your understanding and retention of the material.

Utilisation of Educational Resources

  1. Online Resources
  2. Revision Materials

Effective Note-taking

  1. Structured Notes
  2. Review Regularly
    • Schedule regular review sessions to go over your notes. Repetition will help reinforce the information and improve recall.

Seeking Help When Needed

  1. Tutor Support
    • If struggling with particular topics, consider seeking help from a tutor or teacher. Their expertise can provide clarity and improve your understanding.
  2. Online Forums

These study techniques aim to provide a structured and focused approach, which is essential for managing the dual demands of part-time work and A-level studies effectively.

How to Effectively Communicate?

A. Coordination with Employers

  1. Discussing Work Schedules in Advance
    • Communicate with your employer about your study schedule. Let them know well in advance about important exam dates so they can accommodate your need for extra study time.
  2. Negotiating Flexibility
    • Negotiate for a flexible work schedule, especially during exam periods. Explore the possibility of shift-swaps with colleagues or reduced hours to ensure you have adequate study time.

B. Engagement with Teachers and Tutors

  1. Keeping Them Informed
    • Keep your teachers and tutors informed about your work commitments. They may offer additional support or resources to help you manage your studies effectively.
  2. Seeking Advice
    • Don’t hesitate to ask your teachers or tutors for advice on balancing work and study. They can provide valuable insights and may have suggestions on managing your time efficiently.

C. Maintaining Open Communication Channels

  1. Regular Check-ins
    • Have regular check-ins with both your employer and teachers to ensure you are on track. This can help in addressing any issues before they escalate.
  2. Utilising Available Communication Tools
    • Use communication tools like email, messaging apps, or scheduling software to keep everyone updated on any changes to your work or study schedule. Being proactive in communication can help in managing expectations and ensuring a supportive environment for balancing your part-time work and A-level studies.


Balancing part-time work and A-level studies is a practical concern that many students face. It’s about managing your time, setting the right priorities, and using effective study techniques to ensure you don’t compromise your grades while earning money or gaining work experience.

Here are a couple of additional tips

  1. Mindfulness Techniques: Even a short daily meditation can help clear your mind and reduce stress, making it easier to focus on both work and studies.
  2. The Two-Minute Rule: If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately rather than postponing it. This simple rule can help keep small tasks from piling up.

Moreover, if you’re finding it tough to manage on your own, remember help is at hand. Edumentors offers A-level tutors who have recently aced their A-levels and understand the challenges you’re facing. They are ready to provide the guidance you need to excel in your exams while managing part-time work.

In a nutshell, with the right strategies and support, managing part-time work alongside A-level studies is definitely achievable.


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