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What are IB Schools: Detailed Guide

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

In today’s ever-evolving world of education, the term “IB” is sparking conversations and curiosity. It stands for International Baccalaureate, and it’s more than just a program—it’s a passport to a world of opportunities. In this blog, we’re diving deep into IB schools, breaking down their significance in modern education.

IB schools aren’t your ordinary educational institutions. They’re gateways to a world where learning knows no boundaries, where students become critical thinkers, and where global understanding takes center stage. As we journey through this blog, we’ll uncover the essence of IB education and address questions like “What are IB schools?” and “Are they worth it?”

What is IB Education?

In the vast spectrum of educational systems, one acronym, “IB,” has garnered increasing recognition and interest. The International Baccalaureate, affectionately known as IB, is not merely an educational programme; it is a global movement that has reshaped the way we view education.

At the heart of IB education lies a profound philosophy that extends far beyond textbooks and classrooms. It is a philosophy rooted in the belief that education should nurture not only knowledge but also critical thinking, empathy, and a sense of global citizenship. IB schools are not just institutions; they are vibrant communities that embody this philosophy, creating an environment where students flourish academically and personally.

One of the most striking aspects of IB education is its global reach. IB schools are not confined to a single country or culture; they form a vast network of educational institutions scattered across the world. From bustling metropolises to remote villages, IB schools provide a common platform where students from diverse backgrounds come together to learn, share ideas, and develop a deep understanding of our interconnected world.

How Many IB Schools Are There in the UK?

In the United Kingdom, the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme has taken root and flourished within the educational. There are currently 224 IB World Schools in the UK, reflecting the remarkable growth and impact of IB education specifically within this region.

The rapid expansion of IB schools in the UK can be attributed to the programme’s ability to adapt to the British educational system while preserving its core philosophy. It offers a holistic approach to education that goes beyond traditional rote learning, emphasising critical thinking, global perspectives, and intercultural understanding.

IB School Students

Benefits of IB Schools

Attending an International Baccalaureate (IB) school offers a plethora of advantages that go beyond traditional education. Let’s explore the numerous benefits that students gain by enrolling in an IB programme, and address the question on many minds: “Are IB schools worth it?”

Academic Rigour

IB schools are renowned for their academic rigour. They provide students with a challenging curriculum that prepares them for the demands of university education. The comprehensive coursework and high standards set by IB schools ensure that graduates are well-equipped for the next step in their academic journey.

Development of Critical Thinking Skills

One of the standout features of IB education is its emphasis on critical thinking. Students are encouraged to question assumptions, think analytically, and approach problems from multiple angles. This approach not only equips them with essential life skills but also fosters a deep understanding of the subjects they study.

Multilingual Education

IB schools offer a unique opportunity for students to become multilingual. The programme’s language acquisition component ensures that students are proficient in at least two languages, promoting cross-cultural communication and broadening their horizons.

The Unique Theory of Knowledge Course

At the heart of IB education is the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course. This distinctive component challenges students to explore how knowledge is constructed, critically assess information, and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. TOK encourages students to think beyond the boundaries of individual subjects and consider the interconnectedness of knowledge.

University Preparedness

IB schools not only prepare students academically but also equip them with essential life skills. Graduates of IB programmes tend to excel in university environments. They are adept at managing time, handling demanding workloads, and meeting the high expectations placed on them. These skills are invaluable for success in higher education and beyond.

Are IB Schools Worth It?

Now, let’s address the question: Are IB schools worth it? The answer largely depends on your educational goals and priorities. If you value a challenging and holistic education that goes beyond traditional rote learning, an IB school could be the perfect fit. The benefits of IB education, including academic excellence, critical thinking skills, multilingualism, and university preparedness, make it a compelling choice for many students and parents.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the specifics of IB education, its unique features, and why it stands out in the realm of global education. Join us as we uncover the intricacies of IB schools and their transformative impact on students.

How Are IB Schools Different?

International Baccalaureate (IB) schools stand out from traditional educational institutions in several key ways. Let’s delve into what makes IB schools different, from their distinctive teaching style to their emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and critical thinking.

Distinctive Teaching Style

IB schools are known for their unique teaching style that prioritises active student engagement and inquiry-based learning. Unlike traditional classrooms where teachers predominantly impart knowledge through lectures, IB educators act as facilitators, guiding students on a journey of discovery. This approach encourages students to ask questions, seek answers, and explore topics independently.

Interdisciplinary Learning

In IB schools, interdisciplinary learning takes centre stage. Students are encouraged to draw connections between subjects, recognising that knowledge transcends the boundaries of individual disciplines. For example, students might explore the links between literature and history or science and ethics. This holistic approach fosters a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of knowledge.

IB Classes vs. Traditional Courses

IB classes differ significantly from traditional courses in their approach to education. While traditional classes often focus on rote memorisation and standardised testing, IB classes prioritise research, critical thinking, and hands-on evaluation. In IB, students are challenged to apply their knowledge to new scenarios, honing their ability to think on their feet and respond to unfamiliar situations.

Value of Critical Thinking, Research, and Independent Learning

IB School Distinctive Teaching Style

Critical thinking is a cornerstone of IB education. Students are encouraged to question assumptions, analyse information critically, and approach problems from multiple angles. This not only equips them with essential life skills but also deepens their understanding of the subjects they study.

Research plays a pivotal role in IB classes. Students are tasked with conducting in-depth research on various topics, honing their research skills and preparing them for college-level work. The ability to gather, evaluate, and present information becomes second nature to IB graduates.

Independent learning is another hallmark of IB education. Students take responsibility for their own learning, selecting topics of interest and devising their projects. This fosters a sense of autonomy and self-motivation, valuable traits for success in higher education and beyond.

Are IB Schools Hard?

Now, let’s address the question on many minds: “Are IB schools hard?” The answer is not straightforward. IB schools do offer a challenging academic environment that requires dedication, time management, and a thirst for knowledge. However, the difficulty level also depends on the individual student’s strengths, interests, and work ethic.

It’s no secret that IB schools offer a rigorous and demanding curriculum. Students are exposed to a wide range of subjects and are expected to delve deep into each one. The emphasis on critical thinking, research, and interdisciplinary learning sets the bar high for academic achievement. As a result, IB students often find themselves facing challenging coursework and a substantial workload.

For students who thrive in an environment that promotes critical thinking, independent learning, and the exploration of diverse subjects, IB schools can be a rewarding and enriching experience. They prepare students not only for university education but also for a lifelong journey of learning and personal growth.

The Cost of IB Schools

IB School Tuition Fee

When considering International Baccalaureate (IB) schools, it’s essential to understand the financial aspects involved. In this section, we’ll explore the cost of IB education, including tuition fees and additional expenses. We’ll also discuss why IB schools can be perceived as expensive and evaluate whether the investment in an IB education is justified.

Understanding Tuition Fees

IB schools, like many private and international schools, often come with tuition fees. These fees can vary significantly depending on the school’s location, facilities, and reputation. In the United Kingdom, for example, the cost of attending an IB school can range from a few thousand pounds to over £20,000 per year.

Additional Expenses

In addition to tuition fees, there may be additional expenses associated with attending an IB school. These expenses can include textbooks, materials, school uniforms, extracurricular activities, and examination fees. It’s essential for parents and students to consider these extra costs when budgeting for an IB education.

Is the Investment Justified?

The question many families face is whether the investment in an IB education is justified. While IB schools may come with a higher price tag compared to public or non-IB private schools, they offer unique advantages. IB education is renowned for its emphasis on critical thinking, research skills, and intercultural understanding. Students in IB schools often benefit from a holistic educational experience that prepares them not only for university but also for life as global citizens.

Moreover, IB students tend to perform well academically and are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of higher education. Many universities worldwide value the skills and attributes developed in IB programs.

Ultimately, whether the cost of IB education is justified depends on individual circumstances, priorities, and values. Families should weigh the financial aspects alongside the educational benefits when making this important decision.

The Best IB Schools in the UK

If you’re considering International Baccalaureate (IB) education in the United Kingdom, you might be wondering which schools stand out as the best options. In this section, we’ll provide a list of some of the top IB schools in the UK, highlight their achievements and reputation, and offer guidance on how to choose the right IB school for your child.

1. Sevenoaks School

 Sevenoaks School in Kent is renowned for its IB program. It consistently achieves outstanding results, with a high percentage of students achieving top grades. The school’s commitment to holistic education and global citizenship sets it apart.

2. Eton College

 Eton College, one of the most prestigious schools globally, offers the IB alongside A-levels. Its commitment to academic excellence and a well-rounded education makes it a top choice for students seeking an IB education.

3. Westminster School

Westminster School in London offers the IB Diploma Programme, known for its rigorous academics and emphasis on critical thinking. The school’s central London location provides students with access to cultural and educational resources.

4. Godolphin and Latymer School

Godolphin and Latymer School is London-based girls’ school has a strong reputation for its IB program. Students benefit from small class sizes and dedicated teachers who guide them to excel academically.

5. North London Collegiate School

North London Collegiate School is known for its commitment to empowering young women, North London Collegiate School offers the IB Diploma Programme. Its emphasis on intellectual curiosity and global awareness prepares students for success.

Choosing the Right IB School

When selecting the right IB school for your child, consider the following factors:

1.Academic Reputation

Research the school’s academic achievements and track record in IB results.

2. Location

 Consider the school’s location and whether it aligns with your family’s preferences and logistical needs.

3. Curricular Offerings

Explore the subjects and extracurricular activities offered by the school to ensure they align with your child’s interests and goals.

4. Size and Class Sizes

Think about whether your child would thrive in a larger or smaller school environment, and consider class sizes for personalised attention.

5. Values and Philosophy

Assess the school’s values and educational philosophy to determine if they align with your family’s values and goals.

6. Extracurricular Opportunities

Look into the extracurricular opportunities available, as they can enrich your child’s overall education.

7. Financial Considerations

Consider tuition fees and whether financial aid or scholarships are available.

Choosing the right IB school is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your child’s education and future. Take the time to research and visit potential schools to ensure the best fit for your child’s unique needs and aspirations.


In conclusion, International Baccalaureate (IB) schools offer a unique and enriching educational experience that prepares students for a rapidly changing world. With a global presence and a commitment to nurturing inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young individuals, IB education stands as a beacon of academic excellence.

Despite the perception of being expensive, IB schools provide students with a solid foundation in critical thinking, interdisciplinary learning, and multilingualism. These skills are not only valuable in academia but also essential in navigating the complexities of our interconnected world.

In the United Kingdom, where IB schools continue to thrive, students have access to some of the best institutions that uphold the IB philosophy and excel in academic achievement. Choosing the right IB school can be a transformative decision, setting students on a path towards a brighter and more interconnected future.

As you ponder the question, “Are IB schools worth it?” remember that IB education is an investment in your child’s future, offering them a world of opportunities and a global perspective. So, consider IB schools as a compelling option for your child’s educational journey, one that instils not only knowledge but also a profound sense of curiosity, empathy, and readiness to embrace the challenges of the 21st century.

To support your child’s success in the IB programme, finding the right tutor can make a significant difference. Edumentors connects students with experienced IB tutors from top UK universities, ensuring personalised and effective guidance throughout their IB studies. With Edumentors, your child can achieve their full potential and excel in the demanding yet rewarding IB curriculum.

What is the IB learner profile?

The IB learner profile is a set of attributes and qualities that IB students are encouraged to develop, including being inquirers, thinkers, and caring individuals.

How is IB different from GCSE's?

IB is an internationally recognized education programme that emphasizes critical thinking and interdisciplinary learning, while GCSE’s are a set of exams taken in the UK.

Is IB harder than A levels?

IB and A levels are both challenging in their own ways, but IB often includes a broader range of subjects and focuses on critical thinking, research, and independent learning.


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