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Comprehensive Guide to 11 Plus Preparation


Getting ready for the 11 Plus preparation exam might seem quite scary for kids. Nonetheless, given suitable materials and a clever plan, you can make sure your child is all set to thrive. In these tips, we’ll examine when’s best to begin preparing for the 11 Plus, what is involved in this test, as well as give useful advice and tools so that your youngster shines bright.

11 Plus Exam Preparation
11 Plus Exam Preparation

What is the 11 Plus Exam?

The 11 Plus test is a special exam used by certain schools in the UK to choose students because of how good they are at learning. It’s usually done near the start of Year 6 and checks how well kids know their main subjects and how good they are at thinking things through.

Purpose – We aim to spot those learners packed with star-quality smarts.

Subjects Tested – English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Format – The bulk of the test has choices to pick from, and they’re checked with a machine that can see your marks.

When to Start Preparing for the 11 Plus

Getting a head start is key to doing well. The top scores come from a steady, long-term method that builds strong basics in main topics and how-to-do-things-right skills.

Preparation Timeline

Year 3 – Let’s work on fundamental skills in basic math and English. Stir up a passion for gaining knowledge and being inquisitive.

Year 4 – Let’s start by introducing what will be on the test and developing skills to solve problems. Next, we can practice how to act during an exam and start building confidence.

Year 5 – Boost your studies using detailed material, mock tests, and ways to get faster and more precise.

How to Prepare for the 11 Plus

Getting ready for the 11 Plus exams is super important, and it can change how well kids do in school later on. So, here are some easy-to-follow steps to help you lead them towards better and more successful learning. This will make sure they’re ready as possible with a heap of confidence when test day comes around.

Create a Preparation Timetable

Coming up with a plan for studying for the 11 Plus means fixing regular practice times every week. This helps build a steady routine. It’s important to make tasks smaller and easier so it doesn’t stress out your kid, making preparing less scary and more relaxed.

Adding in some type of reward method can really help motivate your child to keep their study schedule. Giving them reachable goals and rewards when they reach them helps create an encouraging place for learning that feels good and gets things done.

Use High-Quality Resources

Firstly, take good study guides and practice papers from well-known companies like CGP and Atom Learning to make sure your kid has the best materials for studying. Use free stuff on the internet and use fun tools that will support their learning, making the most out of different resources that work for all kind of learners.

Take mock exams often to get your child used to how exams work, help them learn time management, and figure out what they need to work on. This complete plan can ready your kid for tests, giving them more confidence and stronger results.

At-Home Practice

Practicing at home can help strengthen what your kid has learned during tutoring hours. Together with your child, make achievable goals that are realistic, while keeping an eye on how they progress. Moreover, it helps keep the interest alive.

Regular study times indeed play a significant role, but don’t just stick to books! Make sure there’s space for fun activities and resting time as well, we all need balance in our lives!

Detailed Subject Breakdown

11 Plus Preparation - Infographic
11 Plus Preparation – Infographic


Understanding what you read means trying a mix of storybooks, fact-filled reads, and poems. This also means answering questions about these to better get what they mean. Spelling, using the right punctuation marks and getting grammar rules down pat are important as well, look for mistakes in these areas to make sentences better structured for easier understanding.

All this is needed to share ideas and messages clearly and effectively. What’s more, some tests may ask for original writing pieces. Practicing with different topics can help grow this ability too.


Let’s get into the Key Stage 2 stuff. It’s all about knowing your times tables, doing the math in your head, and understanding some important math ideas. Stuff like fractions, decimals, and percentages. But you also need to be able to make sense of numbers. So, get cracking with number problems, making sense of data, figuring out word puzzles, and getting your head around graphs.

Verbal Reasoning

Make your word storehouse robust with synonyms, opposites, and clarifying the meanings of words to boost up how well you use language. Alongside this, give attention to getting better at noticing repeated patterns, solving mind games and challenging your thinking abilities. This will lift up your talent for clear-thinking and tackling problems head on.

Non-Verbal Reasoning

Trying out skills that involve shapes, patterns and sequences helps improve how we understand space and geometry. By focusing on tasks that need smart thinking to spot patterns, you get better at solving problems. These tasks make your brain stronger and teach you a step-by-step way of tackling tough problems. When you mix practice in space-related skills with thought-through pattern spotting tasks, it forms the base for being really good at problem-solving in school or even beyond it into real life situations.

When to Apply for the 11 Plus Exams

Sign-ups for the 11 Plus tests usually start around April or May for the upcoming school year, with final dates in June, July or August. Be sure to get in touch with your nearby grammar schools to know their specific registration times and needs.

Tips for Success

  • Set Clear Goals – Join hands with your kid to shape dreams that are both within grasp and possible to realize.
  • Maintain a Balanced Routine – Make sure there’s room for learning, unwinding, and merriment.
  • Stay Positive – Help and cheer your kid on every step of the way as they get ready.


Getting your child ready for the 11 Plus exam needs early planning and a methodical path to get the best outcomes. By helping your child boost their key skills, using top-notch study materials, and sticking to a regular learning schedule, they can develop the confidence and know-how necessary to do great. Explore Learning’s personally-tailored lessons and an all-rounded support setup offer a fantastic base for your youngster’s triumph in the 11 Plus test, and even further! Start ahead of time, keep at it regularly, and see them excel as they journey towards school success.

With unmatched flexibility, Edumentors tutors offer a tailor-made learning experience. Students can schedule lessons at convenient times, seamlessly balancing their academic pursuits with other obligations. Moreover, through the use of distinct tactics offered by Edumentor’s repertoire, educators adapt to each student’s particular leaning style and needs, creating an enriched and enticing journey towards knowledge acquisition.


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