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A-level Results Day 2024 – What Should You Expect?

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

A-Level Results Day 2024 is a big deal for many students, marking a huge step towards future plans. It’s the day when all your hard work and waiting finally show results. We’re here to help you get ready for it, showing you exactly what to expect and how to deal with any surprises, good or bad.

In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the big day – from checking your results on UCAS to figuring out your next moves. Whether you’re celebrating or needing to rethink your plans, we’ve got your back. Let’s make sure you’re set for whatever comes your way.

When’s A-level Results Day 2024?

The A-level results day for 2024 is Thursday 15 August 2024. For Scotland, the results day is Tuesday, 6 August 2024.

What Time Do A-Level Results Come Out?

Online Results

Many schools and colleges allow students to access their A-Level results online, typically from 8:00 AM on Results Day.

School Collection

If you’re picking up your results in person, schools usually open early, around 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Check with your school for exact timings.

How to Access Your A-level Results

You can access your A-level results through UCAS Hub. Remember, while UCAS Track will update you on your university application status from 8:00 AM, it won’t show your actual A-Level grades.

For detailed grades, students often collect them in person or access them through their school’s designated online system.

What to Do Before A-level Results Day 2024?

Checklist of Things to Do Before the Day

  1. Double-check your UCAS account details – Make sure all your personal information is up to date.
  2. Know how to access your results – Find out whether your school posts results online or if you need to pick them up in person.
  3. Where will you be on your results day? – If you’re away, know how you’ll access your results.
  4. Have a list of important contacts ready – This includes your school, UCAS, and any universities you’re hoping to attend.
  5. Prepare any documents you might need – Have copies of your personal statement, UCAS ID, and exam results handy.
A-level Results Day 2024 complete guide
A-level Results Day 2024

Manage Your Stress and Expectations – A-level Results Day 2024

Remember, A-Level results are important, but they’re not the only factor that will determine your future success. Hope for the best but prepare for every scenario. This way, you won’t be caught off guard. Even some of the smartest people have their tough times!

Don’t bottle up your stress. Talk it out.

Share your concerns with friends, family, or teachers. They’re all rooting for you. Also, their love is not conditional and doesn’t depend on your grades, don’t forget that.

Get plenty of rest the night before, eat well, and try some relaxation techniques or exercises to keep stress at bay.

Whether it’s considering Clearing, looking at alternative courses, or even taking a gap year, there are many paths to success. There’s always a plan B.

Understanding the UCAS Process – A-level Results Day 2024

How and When UCAS Updates on Results Day

UCAS Track is the system that processes your university application and plays a crucial role on A-Level Results Day. Here’s what you need to know about how and when it updates:

  • UCAS Track usually updates around 8:00 AM on A-Level Results Day 2024. However, exact times can vary, so it’s wise to check the UCAS website for any announcements regarding timings for 2024.
  • It’s important to note that UCAS Track goes ‘dark’ for a few days before results day. During this period, you won’t be able to make any changes to your application as the system prepares to update with results.
  • UCAS Track won’t show your A-Level grades, but it will inform you about the status of your university offers. You’ll see whether you’ve been accepted into your firm or insurance choice, or if you’re eligible for Clearing.

The Significance of UCAS Track for Students

UCAS Screenshot

UCAS Track is not just a tool for finding out if you’ve got into university; it’s a vital part of managing your future educational path, let’s see why UCAS is important:

  1. Offer Confirmation – Track is where you’ll first see the confirmation of your place at university. If you meet the conditions of your offer, your acceptance will be automatically displayed.
  2. Clearing Process – If you haven’t met your offers, UCAS Track is where you’ll start the Clearing process. It allows you to find and apply to courses that still have spaces available.
  3. Adjustment Period – For students who have exceeded their predicted grades, UCAS Track also provides access to the Adjustment process, giving you a chance to reconsider your options and potentially secure a place on a course with higher entry requirements.
  4. Communication Hub – UCAS Track acts as a communication hub between you, your chosen universities, and UCAS itself. It’s where all your formal interactions regarding your application will take place.

What to Expect on A-Level Results Day 2024

If You Me Your Offer

Confirming Your Place

If UCAS Track shows your place as confirmed, celebrate! Your university will send you further instructions via email.

Importance of Confirmation

It’s crucial to follow any steps your university outlines, such as registering for accommodation or attending welcome events.

If Your Grades Didn’t Meet Your Expectations

Understanding Clearing

Clearing is an opportunity to find a course that still has places. If you’re eligible, you can start searching for courses directly on the UCAS website. Read more about clearing here.

Options for Re-sits and Further Education

Consider retaking exams or exploring alternative qualifications like BTECs or foundation years.

Read more about retaking A-levels and A-level alternatives.

If You Exceeded Your Expectations

If your grades are higher than needed, Adjustment offers a chance to switch to a course or university that has higher requirements.

You have a limited time to use Adjustment, so act quickly if you wish to explore this option.

What Happens After A-level Results Day?

Once your place at the university of your choice is confirmed, you’ll need to complete any outstanding administrative tasks for your university. This includes finalising your student finance, accommodation, and course registration.

– If you haven’t already secured your accommodation, do this as soon as possible. Universities often provide help with finding housing, but spaces can fill up quickly.

Gap Year, Apprenticeships, Employment – A-level Results Day 2024

Gap Year

If you’re considering taking a year out, think about how you can use this time productively, such as through travel, work experience, or volunteering.


For hands-on experience in a specific industry, apprenticeships can be an excellent alternative, offering training while you work.


Entering the workforce directly after A-Levels is another path. This can provide valuable experience and insight into potential career paths.

Preparing for University Life – A-level Results Day 2024

A-level Students Getting Ready for University Dorm
A-level Results Day 2024

University study can be different from A-Levels. Brush up on your course material before term starts and take advantage of any summer reading lists.

Join social media groups related to your university or course to start building connections.

Get used to managing your time, budget, and meals. University life comes with a lot of independence, so starting to think about these aspects early can be beneficial.

Familiarise yourself with your university’s student support services. These can range from academic support, counselling services, to career advice.

There are numerous online resources and organisations dedicated to supporting students through their university journey. Websites like The Student Room offer forums for advice and sharing experiences.


It’s clear that preparation, understanding your options, and knowing how to navigate potential outcomes are key to confidently approaching this significant day. Whether you’re celebrating, re-evaluating, or considering alternative paths, remember that A-Level Results Day is not just about the grades you receive; it’s about the next steps you choose to take on your educational journey.

A crucial tip to keep in mind is the importance of early preparation, not just for A-Level exams but for the entire university application process. Starting early gives you the best chance to refine your study techniques, deepen your subject knowledge, and ultimately, achieve the grades you’re aiming for.

For those looking to maximise their potential and aim for top UK universities, Edumentors offers a guiding light. Edumentors’ A-Level tutors are not just experts in their subject areas; they are also graduates from some of the UK’s most prestigious universities. They understand exactly what it takes to succeed in A-Level exams and beyond. At Edumentors, they offer personalised tutoring that focuses on exam techniques, critical thinking, and subject mastery. But it doesn’t end there. Edumentors also provides expert guidance on writing compelling personal statements, understanding the university application process, and preparing for interviews.


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