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How do anthropogenic factors affect the concept of 'dynamic equilibrium' in water and carbon cycles?

Human activities like deforestation, fossil fuel burning, and industrial processes can disrupt the dynamic equilibrium in both cycles. For example, excess carbon emissions accelerate global warming, which in turn affects precipitation patterns and alters the water cycle. These disruptions can lead to long-lasting imba 


Answered by: Sarah K.

How does ocean acidification relate to the carbon cycle?

Ocean acidification occurs when excess atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in ocean water, forming carbonic acid. This alters the ocean's pH and affects marine life. This process is intrinsically related to the carbon cycle, as oceans act as carbon sinks. The increasing amount of CO2 absorbed not only intensifies aci 


Answered by: Eren Y.

How do positive and negative feedback mechanisms operate in the water cycle?

Positive feedback mechanisms amplify initial changes, making a system more unstable. For instance, higher temperatures cause increased evaporation rates, which can lead to cloud formation and potentially more precipitation. Negative feedback mechanisms counteract initial changes to restore balance. An example would be 


Answered by: Sarah K.
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