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The Complete Guide for University Application in the UK

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

How to Choose the Right Degree

Before diving into the documents and requirements for a university application, make sure that you are choosing your future right! People change degrees or drop out of universities and while it’s absolutely fine to do so, it is always better to make the right choice from the start.

To begin with, what is the difference between a degree and a course? A University course is something you are studying and at the end of it, you get a degree. However, not all courses provide degrees, but you sure will get the qualification.

You should not look at this decision lightly since it can decide your whole future. Don’t choose a course that you know you won’t like. It’s good to pursue something in-demand which will give you financial freedom in the future, but what is the point of that if you dread every second of it?!

Research different universities and colleges, look at their requirements, make a shortlist of courses you liked and read their curriculum. Choose according to what you are passionate about and also are good at!.

How to Choose the Right University

Choosing a university has become even tougher after the pandemic. Some universities choose to teach fully on-site whilst some may still have classes online. Consider which of these options is more suitable for you. It’s normal to be more of an independent learner and thrive in an online university. However, if you know that you’ll need someone’s assistance, don’t go for online classes. Preparing mentally for the first year of university is important and one of the big aspects of it is to prepare for a lot of networking and socialising.

You need to do your research and make sure that you choose a reputable university, you can check the rank of the UK university on league tables. This website gives an overview of courses at different universities across the UK, so it’s easy to compare information such as average entry requirements and other factors like student satisfaction levels or graduate employment rates between institutions. It may seem daunting at first glance but once you understand how these rankings work together it becomes much easier!

Choose the university you’ll be happy at. Don’t choose it just because it’s prestigious or it’s close to your home. If you want to have your family close to you, you can have its location as one of the ranking factors, but don’t choose just for convenience. Some people say that you can study anywhere, but both your attitude and the environment are important factors.

Registering Process for University Application

The registration process for university applications can be confusing and time-consuming, especially if you’re applying to multiple universities.

Registering with UCAS is the best way to apply for undergraduate courses at UK universities. It’s free, easy-to-use and quick – just complete an online form with your details (name, address etc.). Some universities accept direct applications, but it’s better to use UCAS, you’ll have broader choices.

Can You Go to University without A Levels?

University Application Guidance - The Student Attending the University
University Application Guidance – The Student Attending the University

The short answer is yes, it can be harder, but it’s possible!

If you’re planning on going to university, but don’t have your A Levels, you will likely have to have an alternative qualification. The common alternatives for A levels are BTEC, IB, the Access to HE Diploma, or taking a course with a foundation year.

Is University the Only Choice?

There are other options available to you if you don’t want or can’t go through with a full-time degree. Perhaps you can’t afford this kind of investment in yourself, and instead, want something more flexible like an apprenticeship or gap year experience so that learning about work doesn’t feel like work at all!

Studies show that students who went through higher education have better salaries in general. However, the university might not be for everyone. If you have pushy family, friends or even teachers and you want nothing to do with a university, there are other choices too! If you want to find a fitting apprenticeship or an internship, you can use the UCAS career finder. There are plenty of people who are successful without a university.

What Documents Will You Need for University Application?

Universities have different requirements. These are the documents you may require during a UCAS registration:

📌 Birth certificate as a form of identity confirmation.

📌 Reference letters, if required  – These letters should give them an idea about how well prepared you are for university life.

📌 Evidence of English competency.

📌 Copies of degree/diploma certificates.

📌 Academic transcripts – This should show your grades from A-F and any other information that can help the university know what type of student you are. If you have left school, then it is likely that your final grades will not be available yet. in this case, they may ask for copies of transcripts from previous years until they receive yours.

📌 Personal statements that are written by applicants themselves explaining why they want admission into their chosen university program(s).

How to Write a Perfect Personal Statement for University Application?

A personal statement is a short piece of writing that you will write for your university application. It is usually around one page of an A4 paper. There should not be more than 47 lines, and the character limit is 4000, including spaces and blank lines. Your statement should explain why you want to go to university and why that particular course of study is right for you.

The statement should show how much interest and passion you have for the subject. Also, if you have some experience in form of extracurricular work or internships you should include them too if they are relevant. You can also talk about your hobbies if they can showcase the skills that are needed for the course of your choice.

Check out how can Edumentors help you to write a perfect personal statement!

Who Can Help with University Application?

The process might be overwhelming, so it can be helpful to find someone who will support you and explain all the things to you in an understandable way. Who can do that better than someone who just went through that and got into a top university? Many online tutoring platforms offer help for university applications, one of them being Edumentors.co.uk. You can find tutors from Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick and other top UK universities. Tutors can give you advice, help you with your personal statement and even give you insights from their university.

Below is the list of tutors who can help you with your university application

📌 Rueben from the University College London – He is excellent in mentoring teenagers and walking them through step by step how he got into one of the UK’s top universities himself. Not only did he score 9’s in his GCSEs and receive straight A*s in his A-levels, but he also crafted a winning personal statement to get an offer from his dream university.

Here’s a video where he explains the dos and don’ts of the UCAS personal statement:

📌 Lauren from the University of Warwick – She studies modern languages at one of the most prestigious universities in the UK and has years of tutoring experience. She is particularly well equipped to help in crafting a UCAS personal statement that stands out.

To Sum Up

It might be difficult when you don’t know where to start. Consult with someone who has already gone through this phase of life and got accepted into their dream university. You never know what advice they can give. This will help you be prepared for any level at school all the way up to A level results day!

However, it’s also important to remember that life does not end with one failure. You always have options if you do not receive an offer from your dream university. UCAS clearing is always there as an option or if you think your grades should have been higher, there’s also a way to appeal your A level results.

Always stay calm and don’t stress. Talk to your parents and your friends and discuss openly what you are planning to do next. Feel free to share this article with others too. You never know how your small contribution could help someone in their own journey. Everyone is struggling in their own way and it is important to know that there is always a way out.


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