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UCAS Points – Everything You Need to Know 2024

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

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Understanding UCAS Points

Understanding UCAS Points - Student Writing an A-level Exam
Understanding UCAS Points – Student Writing an A-level Exam

UCAS points serve as a universal metric that translates various qualifications and grades into a numerical value. To fully comprehend this system, it’s crucial to understand that not all qualifications are equal. Different types of qualifications such as A-Levels, BTECs, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) come with different UCAS Tariff points, which in turn depend on the grade you achieve.

Did UCAS Points System Change?

The Tariff underwent a significant change in 2017, resulting in an updated points system.

  • For those students who applied to university before this change, the points they refer to may not align with the current Tariff. This adjustment was undertaken to create a more accurate representation of qualifications’ sizes and grading structures. Today’s points system offers a fair and balanced view of students’ academic achievements across different curricula.

However, it’s essential to remember that not all qualifications carry UCAS points. Some courses, certificates, or programs may not be included in the UCAS Tariff, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t be considered by universities. Each university has its unique entry requirements and may consider qualifications beyond those listed in the Tariff.

Here’s the UCAS Points Calculator to simplify the process. Whether you’re a student planning your next steps or a parent supporting your child’s educational journey, understanding UCAS points is crucial. Our easy-to-use calculator helps you accurately convert your qualifications into UCAS points, ensuring you meet the entry requirements for your desired courses. Stay ahead in your university application journey with Edumentors, where we provide the tools and support you need for a successful academic future.

UCAS Points Calculator from Edumentors

A-levels – UCAS Points

This is how AS levels and A-levels are converted to UCAS points:

AS LevelUCAS Points
AS Levels to UCAS Points
A LevelUCAS Points
A-levels to UCAS points

Scottish Highers – UCAS Points

This is how Scottish Highers are converted to UCAS points:

Scottish HigherUCAS Points
Scottish highers to UCAS points

Scottish Advanced Higher – UCAS Points

Scottish Advanced HigherUCAS Points
Scottish Advanced Higher – UCAS Points

Welsh Baccalaureate – UCAS Points

This is how Welsh Baccalaureate is converted to UCAS points:

Welsh BaccalaureateUCAS Points
Welsh Baccalaureate – UCAS Points

International Baccalaureate – UCAS Points

This is how International Baccalaureate is converted to UCAS points:

International Baccalaureate – UCAS Points

BTEC – UCAS Points

This is how BTEC is converted to UCAS points:

BTEC – UCAS Points

Why are UCAS Points Important?

UCAS points are essential in the UK’s higher education admissions process, serving as more than just numerical values for grades. They are crucial for:

  1. Setting Entry Requirements: Universities, colleges, and conservatoires use UCAS points to establish the entry criteria for their courses. For example, a course might require 112 UCAS points, achievable through various combinations of grades and qualifications.
  2. Comparing Diverse Backgrounds: UCAS points allow universities to compare students from different educational paths, ensuring a fair and inclusive admissions process. This system provides equal consideration to students with diverse academic experiences.

Understanding UCAS points can help you navigate and succeed in the UK university admissions process.

Do All Universities Use UCAS Tariff System?

No. It’s important to note that while many universities use the UCAS Tariff system, some do not. Instead, they might state their entry requirements in terms of grades for specific qualifications. This variation underscores the importance of thoroughly checking course entry requirements for each university you’re considering.

Does Qualification Matter If it Does not Carry UCAS Points?

YES! It’s essential to remember that not all qualifications carry UCAS points. Some courses, certificates, or programs may not be included in the UCAS Tariff, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t be considered by universities. Each university has its unique entry requirements and may consider qualifications beyond those listed in the Tariff.

Do Employers Care About Your UCAS Points?

While UCAS points primarily serve in the academic realm, some employers also refer to them during their selection processes. Although this practice is not encouraged by UCAS, it underlines the significance of UCAS points as a representation of your academic achievements.

UCAS Points and University Entry Requirements

Once you’ve gathered your UCAS points, the next stage is understanding how they factor into university entry requirements. Each university course will typically have a set number of UCAS points that it requires for entry. These requirements may vary significantly from course to course and between different universities, so it is always crucial to research your options thoroughly.

University entry requirements are usually communicated in terms of UCAS points to provide a consistent way of comparing applicants who may come from diverse academic backgrounds with different qualifications. For instance, a course might require 112 UCAS points, which could be met with BBB at A-level or DMM in BTEC, or a combination of qualifications.

However, remember that having the required UCAS points might not be the only prerequisite. Many universities also place a significant emphasis on the subjects you’ve studied. For example, if you’re applying for an English Literature degree, you may be required to have studied and gained points in an English-related subject. This highlights the importance of not just obtaining UCAS points, but gaining them in relevant subjects.

“What If I Don’t Meet UCAS Points Requirement?”

Finally, don’t be discouraged if you don’t meet the exact UCAS point requirement for your desired course. Universities can be flexible with entry requirements, particularly if you can demonstrate other strengths or relevant experiences. It’s always worth reaching out to the admissions team of the university if you’re close to the requirements but not quite there.

Beyond UCAS Points – What Else Should You Know?

While UCAS points play a significant role in higher education admissions, they are not the be-all and end-all of your university application. Universities look for well-rounded students, which means aspects beyond just academics are taken into account.

Personal Statement

Firstly, let’s talk about the personal statement. This is your chance to demonstrate your passion for the course you’ve applied for, showcase your understanding of the subject area, and express what makes you stand out from the crowd. The personal statement allows the university to assess your commitment to the subject and your suitability for higher education.

Work Experience

Work experience, volunteer work, or involvement in extracurricular activities also hold considerable weight. Universities value students who can demonstrate transferable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and time management, often gained through these activities. Read the top 10 tips on getting into top universities.

University Interview

University Interview
University Interview

Additionally, some courses might require you to pass an interview or audition, submit a portfolio, or take an additional admissions test. For example, for courses like Medicine or Law, admissions tests such as the UCAT or LNAT may be required.

UCAS Points and Job Applications

While UCAS points are primarily used for university applications, they occasionally appear in job specifications, especially for graduate schemes or competitive internships. However, this practice is not widespread and is not encouraged by UCAS.

When referenced in job adverts, UCAS points provide a snapshot of an applicant’s academic achievement at the A-level (or equivalent) stage. Nevertheless, employers often prioritise other factors such as:

  • Experience and Skills: Practical experience and demonstrated skills can outweigh academic qualifications.
  • Personality and Cultural Fit: Employers value candidates who align with their company’s culture.
  • Relevant Portfolios: In creative, technical, or specialised fields, portfolios and hands-on work are crucial.

If you encounter a job advert mentioning UCAS points and your qualifications aren’t on the UCAS Tariff, don’t be disheartened. Contact the employer directly to discuss your application, as they might prioritise your skills and experiences over specific grades.


UCAS points are important for university admissions and can occasionally feature in job applications. They offer a standard measure of academic achievements but are just one aspect of what employers consider. Your passion, dedication, and willingness to seize opportunities are equally vital.

If you need extra guidance, consider Edumentors. This online tutoring platform connects you with student-tutors from top UK universities like Oxford and Cambridge, helping you successfully complete the qualifications needed for university admission.


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