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Best Maths Tutors

Maths is one of the toughest subjects in school. It requires mental discipline, dedication and consistent learning. For some students (especially younger ones), these factors are more difficult to master than others so they tend not to excel at Maths. For some parents, no matter how hard they try to teach their children Maths skills, it’s difficult for them to help their kids become self-sufficient learners. This is why sometimes external support is required. An experienced tutor can help by teaching Maths as well as developing study habits in students. These critical life skills better are cultivated sooner rather than later! Here are some of the best Maths tutors in the UK:

📌 Jessica from the Durham University

Jessica is a highly experienced Maths tutor who teaches students KS3 and GCSE Maths. She has helped numerous students improve their grades in Maths and make the subject appealing to them, too. She’s also great at offering career guidance and sharing her own experience of getting into Durham University.

📌 Joely from the University of Warwick

Joely is a Maths student at the University of Warwick. She is adept at explaining difficult Mathematical concepts in easy-to-understand terms. Her students have always been able to comprehend the most challenging of topics. “For me, thoroughly understanding the material and not just rote memorisation, is key for applying it to tougher exam questions.”

📌 Milan from the University of St. Andrews

Milan is one of the greatest Maths tutors. She has helped many different students with varying levels of knowledge. She can adjust her lessons to suit each student’s needs. Her personalised tutoring sessions are engaging and interesting and her students love studying with her!

Is Maths Important?

Maths is a subject that every child has to learn. It becomes very important for them to understand the fundamentals of Maths from an early age. Also, it is important for them to improve their skills in order to study adequately for their exams and future career.

Maths is a highly valuable skill to have, as it can help you understand the world around you. It’s useful for problem-solving, critical thinking and mental discipline. All skills that are necessary for everyday life.

It’s difficult to know how much value maths will add to your CV or job prospects without knowing what job you’re applying for, but in general Maths qualifications like GCSE and A-level are well respected by employers across many industries.

If your child enjoys Maths then there are many career paths open to them. They include accountancy and banking (researching economic trends), engineering (understanding how things work) or even teaching at the secondary school level if you want a career change later on in life.

Why is Maths so Hard for Some Children?

Maths is a language. It is not easy to learn, and it is not easy to understand. It takes time and effort to build up a vocabulary of mathematical concepts, and then use them correctly in different contexts. In order for this to happen, there must be a regular practice of the language on a daily basis.

In order for children to become confident users of Maths at school, they need opportunities where they can apply their knowledge in varied ways. Where they can explore ways of solving problems beyond what has been taught by their teachers. Where they can make links between different topics through discussion or by exploring one topic from different perspectives (e.g., using algebraic notation as well as verbal explanations).

Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects for many students. There are a number of reasons why this might be the case:

📌 Mental discipline is required to study mathematics, which some people find harder than others.

📌 Children with ADHD or learning difficulties may find it more difficult to concentrate on mathematical tasks than other subjects, such as English or Science.

📌 Maths anxiety can also cause problems if they don’t feel confident in their ability to learn maths and aren’t able to make sense of concepts easily by themselves.

Is A-Level Maths Easier than GCSE Maths?

No, A-Level Maths is not easier than GCSE Maths. In fact, it’s more difficult!

A-Level Maths is more of a challenge than GCSE Maths because students are expected to learn content on their own. Hence, it’s important that they learn how to do it independently early on.

The syllabus also builds on and challenges GCSE Maths, so they’ll find that it becomes more challenging as they progress.

How Can Parents Help Children with Maths?

Parents Helping Their Teenager with Maths
Parents Helping Their Teenager with Maths

Find Different Resources

You need to find an approach that works for your child. You might want to try different resources and see what they like or try something new together. If they are not enjoying it, then maybe try something else. If they are struggling with the learning process too much, then maybe you need to look at things again.

If you have been trying certain activities in the past but nothing seems very successful – don’t worry! There is always a way through this kind of problem. Keep on looking at different ways of teaching Maths and finding ways that work well with your children’s learning styles and abilities.

A good place to start is online resources. These can be free e-books which give information about Mathematics topics or demonstrations of how things work mathematically. These may help give some ideas about what areas might be covered by particular topics so that when using other materials it becomes easier to know where those topics would fit into any scheme of work.

Another thing which might be worth doing is using some fun games where children can practice their skills by playing. It’s always easier to learn when children are having fun!

✏️ “All of the studies in education/learning contexts considered the learning outcomes of gamification as mostly positive” – according to Research Gate.

Encourage Them to Study with Friends

Encourage them to study with friends. This is a great way for kids to learn maths and develop important skills like motivation, confidence, learning and social skills. They can also give each other peer support when it comes to tackling tricky questions or practising difficult concepts.

There are many benefits associated with joining these types of groups including feeling less lonely while doing homework because someone else is there helping along with answering questions quickly without having much downtime between sessions being more likely able to finish assignments faster without having too much stress placed upon themselves.

Find a Suitable Maths Tutor for Your Child

Online Maths Tutor Vs. Face-to-Face Maths Tutor?

You can choose to tutor face-to-face or online. Face-to-face tutoring requires a one-on-one session with a tutor in your home, while online tutoring takes place through virtual platforms such as Zoom and Google Meets.

Online tutoring has many benefits. It’s flexible, convenient and it’s easier to find the right Maths tutor online since there are many choices.

How to Choose the Right Tutor

You want to find a tutor who will help your child to:

📌 Develop a love of Maths and improve their confidence in the subject.

📌 Understand the concepts behind each new problem, so that they can work out solutions on their own.

📌 Sustain this learning over time (i.e., not just fix temporary mistakes).

📌 Understand how to apply Maths concepts in everyday situations and real-world problems (not just solve calculation problems).

Keep these in mind, have an introductory session and see how should the first meeting of student and tutor go to evaluate the tutor as best as you can.

To Sum Up

There are many ways parents can help children with Maths. However, it’s understandable if you just don’t have time to be actively engaged in your child’s studies every day. That’s when additional help from friends or family, or even a Maths tutor can come in handy.

There is a high demand for Physics and Maths tutors, whether it be GCSE or A-level tutoring or simply homework help. Seeing the Maths crisis, many people have tried to become a tutor without knowing the subject thoroughly. Because there are no official requirements for becoming a tutor in the UK, it’s important to know how to choose one correctly.

One of the most trustworthy and easy-to-use online tutoring platforms is Edumentors. They only hire the best of the best tutors from Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick and other top UK universities. Tutors must go through a rigorous interview process and qualification check to ensure that they are qualified. Online tutoring is flexible, convenient and gives your child the opportunity to learn Maths in a comfortable studying environment.


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