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CEM 11+ Exams – Everything You Need to Know

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

As a parent, preparing your child for secondary school can be both exciting and daunting. And with the range of 11+ exams available, it’s important to understand the differences between them to ensure your child is adequately prepared. One such exam board is CEM, which is used by a number of schools in the UK. But what sets CEM apart from the other 11+ exam board – GL?

Key Differences Between CEM and GL Assessment

When it comes to the 11+ exam, there are two major exam boards that dominate the landscape: CEM and GL Assessment. While both exam boards aim to assess a student’s knowledge and skills, there are some fundamental differences between the two. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right exam board for your child and prepare them effectively for the exam. So, let’s dive in and explore the key differences between CEM and GL Assessment.

Format of the exam

The CEM 11+ exam is computer-based, whereas the GL Assessment 11+ exam is paper-based. This means that the CEM exam is taken on a computer, while the GL Assessment exam is completed with pen and paper.

Question types

Students Taking CEM 11+ Exam
Students Taking CEM 11+ Exam

The CEM 11+ exam tends to have a greater emphasis on verbal reasoning and problem-solving skills, whereas the GL Assessment 11+ exam places more emphasis on English and maths skills.

Test content

The CEM 11+ exam is known for being more challenging than the GL Assessment 11+ exam, with a greater focus on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The GL Assessment 11+ exam, on the other hand, is generally considered to be more straightforward and easier to prepare for.

Schools using the exam

While both CEM and GL Assessment exams are used by a wide range of schools across the UK, certain regions tend to favour one exam over the other. For example, the CEM 11+ exam is more commonly used in the north of England, while the GL Assessment 11+ exam is more commonly used in the south.

It’s important to note that these are general differences and may not apply to every individual school or region.

The Format of CEM 11+ Exams

CEM and GL are two different exam boards that examine 11+ in most regions where the 11+ is still used. Although they cover broadly the same 11+ topics, such as English comprehension, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning/spatial awareness exercises,

The CEM 11+ exam consists of two papers: the Verbal Reasoning paper and the Non-Verbal Reasoning paper. The Verbal Reasoning paper tests the student’s ability to understand and manipulate language, while the Non-Verbal Reasoning paper assesses their ability to solve problems using visual patterns and logic.

Each paper is typically 50 minutes long and contains a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The questions are designed to be challenging and to test a range of skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. The exam is designed to be fair and unbiased, and to assess a student’s potential for academic success regardless of their background or prior educational experience.

The Schools that Use CEM 11+

How to Prepare for CEM 11+ Exams?

Preparing for the CEM 11+ exam can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and preparation, students can approach the exam with confidence. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the CEM 11+ exam:

  1. Start early. Begin your preparation as early as possible. Give yourself enough time to cover all the topics and practice as many sample questions as you can.
  2. Understand the exam format. Familiarise yourself with the format of the CEM 11+ exam. Know what topics will be covered and how the questions will be presented.
  3. Practice! Practice is key to succeeding in the CEM 11+ exam. Take advantage of the available practice resources such as past papers, online mock exams, and practice books.
  4. Focus on vocabulary: Vocabulary is an essential component of the CEM 11+ exam. Make sure to develop a broad range of vocabulary and practice using new words in context.
  5. Work on time management. The CEM 11+ exam is time-pressured, and students must manage their time effectively. Practice working under time constraints to improve your speed and accuracy.
  6. Seek guidance. Consider getting support from teachers, tutors, or parents to help you with your preparation. They can provide you with valuable feedback and guidance on areas you need to improve.

By following these tips, students can better prepare for the CEM 11+ exam and increase their chances of success. Remember to stay focused, stay positive, and keep practicing!


In conclusion, preparing for the CEM 11+ exam can be a daunting task, but with the right mindset, resources, and guidance, it can also be a rewarding experience for both parents and students. It’s important to plan the revision and make sure there is plenty of time for resting and relaxing to avoid exam anxiety!

If you’re considering hiring a tutor to help your child prepare for the exam, Edumentors is an excellent choice. Their team of tutors includes young, talented students from top UK universities such as Cambridge and Oxford, who are passionate about teaching and easily connect with children. With their personalised approach and extensive experience, they can provide the support and guidance needed to help your child excel in the CEM 11+ exam and beyond.

So whether you choose to prepare on your own or with the help of a tutor, remember that success in the CEM 11+ exam is achievable with dedication and hard work. Good luck to all aspiring students out there! 🙌


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