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How Many A-levels can you Take?

Tornike Asatiani - Co-founder & COO of Edumentors

A-levels exams are important milestones in the UK education system, marking a significant transition from the broad spectrum of subjects covered at GCSE level to more focused, in-depth studies. These Advanced Level qualifications are not just a testament to a student’s academic prowess but also a crucial determinant in the journey towards higher education and professional aspirations. As such, the decision on how many A-levels to undertake is not one to be made lightly. It requires careful consideration of one’s academic capabilities, university admissions criteria, and envisioned career trajectory. Choosing the right number of A-levels can significantly impact one’s academic and professional future, making it essential to weigh the options thoroughly.

Understanding A-levels

A-levels serve as the standard qualification for students aged 16 to 18, bridging the gap between secondary education and university. These qualifications are highly regarded by universities and employers alike, offering a deep dive into subjects of interest. A-levels allow students to specialise early, focusing on areas that align with their future academic and career goals. This level of specialisation is instrumental in preparing students for the rigours of higher education and the demands of the professional world.

Transitioning from GCSEs to A-levels

Transitioning from GCSEs to A-levels marks a substantial shift in students’ educational path, moving from a broad curriculum to focused study.. This transition demands 1. higher level of independent study, 2. critical thinking, and 3. in-depth analysis BUT across fewer subjects. The choice of A-level subjects should be informed by a combination of personal interest, academic strength, and future aspirations. Given the increased workload and the depth of study required, the decision on how many A-levels to pursue is crucial.

It is a balance between managing a potentially heavier academic load and optimising university admission prospects. The combination of A-levels can determine university courses and careers, highlighting the need for informed choices during education.

How Many A-levels Can You Take?

Students can choose maximum five A-levels – Traditionally, students opt for three A-levels. a choice that aligns with the standard entry requirements of most universities in the UK, however The UK education system offers a degree of flexibility in the number of A-levels a student can undertake, catering to a wide range of academic interests and capabilities. The trio of subjects allows students to dive deeply into their chosen areas of interest, balancing the depth of study with a manageable workload.

Can you do More than 3 A-levels?


The system caters to those interested in expanding their academic horizons by offering more than the standard three subjects. Many students opt for four A-levels, particularly if they have a strong academic background, clear future study goals, or want to keep their university options open. Taking four A-levels can provide a competitive edge for admission to more selective universities or courses.

For highly ambitious or academically gifted individuals, taking five A-levels is possible, though less common due to the workload and pressure. Students considering this path must evaluate their ability to manage multiple high-level courses without sacrificing performance or well-being.

The education system’s flexibility extends to accommodating different learning styles and capacities, ensuring students can tailor their A-level choices to their strengths and interests. Some may opt for a combination of A-levels and vocational qualifications like BTECs, which can be equivalent to A-levels in university admissions processes but offer a more practical learning experience. This hybrid approach can suit students looking to blend academic study with practical skills.

Determining the Right Number of A-levels for You

Choosing the optimal number of A-levels requires a careful evaluation of your academic strengths, interests, and future aspirations. This decision is pivotal, as it will influence both your final years of school and your university prospects. Here’s how to approach this decision:

Assess Your Academic Strengths and Interests

Begin by reflecting on your GCSE results and the subjects where you naturally excel. Consider your interests deeply; pursuing subjects you are passionate about can make the A-level journey more enjoyable and engaging. If you’re particularly strong in certain areas, taking more A-levels in these subjects could be advantageous.

Consider Your Future Aspirations

Think about your career ambitions or the university course you wish to pursue. Some career paths or university courses require specific A-level subjects. Research these requirements early to ensure your A-level choices align with your goals.

Consult with Teachers/tutors and Career Advisors

Educators and career advisors can offer valuable insights into your abilities and how they align with potential A-level choices. They can advise on the workload of each subject and whether your academic record suggests you could manage more than the standard three A-levels.

Review University Requirements

Universities often list A-level requirements for each course on their websites. Some courses may prefer students to have a broader range of subjects, while others look for depth in specific areas. If aiming for highly competitive universities or courses, understand that they might value the breadth and depth of subjects slightly differently.

What are the Hardest A-levels?

Student Choosing A-level subjects

The perception of the hardest A-levels varies among students, often influenced by individual strengths and interests. However, subjects like Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are frequently cited as challenging due to their heavy content, abstract concepts, and the depth of understanding required.

Top 10 Hardest A-level Subjects in 2024

Why Some A-levels Are Considered More Challenging

  • Further Mathematics is often seen as challenging due to its advanced and abstract mathematical concepts.
  • Sciences like Physics and Chemistry require a strong grasp of both theoretical concepts and practical applications.
  • Essay-based subjects such as English Literature and History demand a high level of analytical and writing skills, alongside a significant amount of content to cover.

Balancing Act

  • Mix and Match: Consider a balanced mix of A-levels that cater to both your strengths and aspirations. Including at least one subject you find less demanding can help manage overall stress and workload.
  • Prioritise: If you’re set on a challenging subject that is crucial for your future career or study plans, ensure you have the right support in place to succeed.
  • Support Systems: Utilise your school’s resources, such as tutoring or study groups, especially for subjects you find challenging.

In conclusion, the number and combination of A-levels you choose should reflect a balance between your academic strengths, interests, and future goals. While it’s beneficial to challenge yourself, it’s equally important to ensure a manageable workload that allows you to perform to the best of your abilities across all subjects.

Success Strategies for A-level Students

Successfully navigating A-levels requires strategic planning and effective study habits. Here are some tips and strategies to help you manage the workload and excel in your studies, regardless of the number of subjects you choose.

Time Management

  • Create a Study Schedule: Allocate specific times for studying each subject throughout the week. Ensure you balance your time between subjects based on their difficulty and your proficiency.
  • Prioritise Tasks: Identify your most urgent and important tasks. Tackle challenging topics or assignments early when your energy levels are higher.

Effective Study Techniques

  • Active Learning: Engage with the material through discussions, practice questions, and teaching concepts to others. Active study methods are more effective than passive reading or highlighting.
  • Utilise Resources: Make full use of available resources, including textbooks, online tutorials, and past exam papers. Teachers and tutors can provide additional support and clarification on complex topics.

Maintaining Well-being

  • Regular Breaks: Short breaks during study sessions can improve concentration and reduce burnout. Practice self-care and ensure you get enough rest.
  • Balanced Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy balance between studying, extracurricular activities, and social life. Physical activity and hobbies can relieve stress and enhance overall performance.

Strategies for Different A-level Subjects

  • For challenging subjects: Focus on understanding fundamental concepts before tackling more complex problems. Form study groups to share knowledge and approaches to difficult topics.
  • For less difficult subjects: Use these as an opportunity to secure high grades. Even if these subjects come more naturally to you, regular review and practice are essential to maintain your understanding and skills.


Deciding on the number of A-levels to take is a significant decision that can impact your academic journey and future opportunities. Remember, the standard recommendation is three A-levels, but there is flexibility for those who wish to take on more based on their academic abilities and future aspirations. It’s crucial to:

  • Assess your strengths, interests, and the requirements for your intended university course or career path.
  • Consult with teachers, A-level tutors and do thorough research on university requirements.
  • Consider the balance between challenging yourself academically and maintaining a manageable workload.

Ultimately, the goal is to make informed choices that not only align with your academic and career objectives but also allow you to excel and enjoy your A-level studies. By employing effective study strategies and maintaining a balanced approach to your workload, you can navigate the demands of A-levels successfully. Remember, the quality of your achievements in these subjects is often more valuable than the quantity.


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